| 1. | For example, the resting potential in daylight-adapted ATP.
| 2. | The interactions that generate the resting potential are modeled by the Goldman equation.
| 3. | In this case, the resting potential can be determined from the Goldman equation:
| 4. | This apparent paradox is resolved by examination of the origin of that resting potential.
| 5. | In the atrioventricular node, the resting potential is abbreviated, which facilitates conduction.
| 6. | The return to the equilibrium resting potential marks the end of the relative refractory period.
| 7. | The resting potential must be established within a cell before the cell can be depolarized.
| 8. | The opening and closing of ion channels can induce a departure from the resting potential.
| 9. | As a consequence, the resting potential is usually close to the potassium reversal potential.
| 10. | Thus, the cell's resting potential will be about " 73 mV.